Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Mouth Full

As fate would have it I’m pretty terrible about this whole updating the blog thing. But, currently I’m sick (nothing big, just a cold) and stuck at home so I’m going to try and give a brief update on the past 2ish weeks. I feel like every time I turn around God is there to bless me in a new way. I have a few stories to demonstrate what I mean.

Auditioning is good...
Really busy actually. I average at least 5 auditions during the week. They are all very different depending on what the gig is. Broadway stuff is usually packed like 200+ and the choreography is short and simple and usually quick. I got called back for High School Musical, which was exciting. They said they would call if I land the part, so I have no way of knowing if or when I will hear from them.

I also auditioned for a hip hop/ jazz funk/ contemporary company called Fear-Less Dance Co. and I made it! I think the company is only about 8 people and the guy who is starting the company is very talented. His name if Justin Conte if you want to youtube him. His choreography is legit. So, I’m excited!

I’m also dancing with a dance project called Kairos. It’s a Christian modern group that I started rehearsing with at the beginning of the week and I love it. The vision is very refreshing/ cathartic. It’s a prefect time for me to refocus on the Lord and why I dance in the first place.

As far as friends go…
I was at an audition last Thursday and I walked by someone's stuff and a Francine Rivers book was laying there. So, this girl walked up and I got to talking to her and it was the coolest thing...turns out she is a Christian as well and has been praying to meet other Christians auditioning (like me). She's been extremely nice and invited me to do things with her. The girls at auditions are pretty great. I’ve been to lunch, etc. with several new friends and it’s really fun!

I’ve also been reconnecting with old friends from all walks of life. It’s fun to see who’s here and what they are doing. It’s been surprisingly easy to make friends here. Just yet another way God is blessing me.

I’ve visited several churches here and I have been blown away with people’s generosity and warmth. I’ve been going to a small group for Manhattan Church of Christ and the people are wonderful. Both times I’ve been to church there people have taken me out to lunch after. So kind. I’ve also visited Apostles and in a lot of ways it feels like home. It just reminds me so much of Stone, which I am missing. I went to a small group of theirs that Julia Youngblood leads and I loved it. I can’t tell you how good it feels to be in a room full of Christians who can’t wait to just sit around and talk about Christ.

Anyways, things are good. I try to spend time weekly walking through the city/ central park to reflect, and I feel so humbled to be here. All thanks and praise to Jesus.